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You are unique, and so should be your fitness journey. I am here to help you achieve your goals through the most personalised training experience possible. Fitness is more than just workouts - what you do, what you eat, how you feel, how you sleep - everything is equally important. Together, you and I will focus on all aspects of your health. Whether you are at home, in the gym, or on the road - I will be part of your fitness journey. I will be there to guide you through tough times, to check your form on video calls, to celebrate your wins, and to be on top of all the last-minute schedule changes.







Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Transformation before after




This is my most comprehensive program available where we work together to help you reach your physique goals in the fastest possible time frame! This membership is exclusive to a limited number of clients where I create a fully personalised program to your lifestyle, resources and preferences.

One On One Coaching

45min Work Out Plan

Weekly 1-1 Video Calls

Personalized fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

for first  week
6 Week Push, Pull, Legs

6 Week Push, Pull, Legs

When it comes to the discussion on which workout training split is the absolute best for building lean muscle, the push, pull, and legs (PPL) split comes up a lot. And, it’s easy to understand why. With PPL splits, you can effectively train each muscle group twice and with a fair amount of volume each time. How does this benefit women’s specific training? Due to the increased frequency and the way the workouts are split apart, you can find a perfect balance between compound lifts that will help you build strength and isolation lifts that will help your overall muscle tone. Now, it does have its shortcomings. It requires you to go to the gym up to 6 times per week - which is a huge ask if you’re a busy individual. However, for those who have the time to dedicate to the following split - you’ll absolutely love the results. 6-Week PPL Split for Women The workout below is a push, pull, and leg split designed specifically for women who have plenty of time to devote to the gym and who have goals to transform their physique. The program combines both compound and isolation work. The compound lifts will be heavier by nature, allowing you to get stronger while maximizing the amount of calories burned along the way. The isolation work will be much lighter and the focus will be on feeling the muscle work throughout the movement. On your heavier lifts, you will want to rest for up to 3 full minutes in between sets. For the lighter isolation work, keep rest fairly low and in between 30-45 seconds. The workout can be used by either those with fat-loss goals or muscle-building goals. The main difference between the goals relies heavily on the amount of calories you consume each day and the way in which you progress your workouts during the 6 weeks. For those looking to build muscle and strength with this program, aim to increase the weight you use during the 6-week period and eat in a slight calorie surplus. For those looking to lose fat and develop toned muscle with this program, aim to decrease the total duration of your workout over the 6-week period (by decreasing rest periods) and eat in a slight calorie deficit.

Weekly 1-1 Video Calls

Personalized Fitness Plan With Video Demonstrations & Instructions To Perform

Regular Progress Check-Ins

Regular Updates In Plans Based On Your Progress

for first  week


The following workouts utilize bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, and dumbbells. All things that are fairly easy to store and can be used to get a complete and total body workout in the comforts of your own home. The workouts are short, simple and effective. They shouldn’t take you longer than 30-35 minutes to complete and will help you tone your muscles, build strength, and burn calories. Rest periods will be kept fairly short during this routine – limit your rest to about 30 seconds in between sets and 1 minute in between exercises. As written, you are meant to complete all of the sets of one exercise before moving onto the next. Do this for 4 weeks. After you’ve completed 4 weeks of the program, if you’d like to make the program more challenging, you can perform the workouts in a circuit fashion. To do this, you’ll complete all of the exercises listed before taking 30 seconds to rest and repeat. The goal of this routine is to help you build a healthy weekly habit of working out. Utilize the routine for as long as you like, whether that’s forever to build and maintain or short-term while you try to figure out what gym location would be best for you. It is recommended to perform the workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday/Saturday or Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday/Sunday.

Plan Includes

Weekly 1-1 Video Calls

Personalized Fitness Plan With Video Demonstrations & Instructions To Perform

Regular Progress Check-Ins

Regular Updates In Plans Based On Your Progress

24/7 Chat Support

for first  week

Jody Maynard

Personal Trainer

As a professional trainer, my passion is to guide the world towards a healthier lifestyle. Everybody is unique, with their own strengths and limitations. My method is to build a custom plan based on your health, schedule and more importantly, fitness goals. I aim to transform your body and influence you to make more mindful decisions when it comes to your health. Growing up I learned a lot of wrong ways to lift, like any of us when we are just starting out on our fitness journey alone, pre-internet. But as I grew and worked with others, I started seeing what I was doing wrong and decided to start a new journey and further my education within the fitness Industry. Since then I have been certified as a personal Trainer, Boxing & Martial artist Instructor, Group Trainer and Nutritionist, I've been helping people gain their strength back, see overall improvements in health, Weight Lose and Muscle Gain. Some of us start early in life, while others start later in life. Regardless of where you start, let me help you get to your end results that you would like to see.

Jody Maynard